Loadx Privacy Policy

Loadx is committed to protecting your privacy

We would like you to know what information (including personal data) we have collected regarding your use of our services and/or access to our website; What is the purpose of collecting such information; How do we collect, use, and store such information; Can be disclosed to it; And how you exercise your rights and access your information, verify its accuracy, correct and/or delete it. Similarly, we hope you know what information we will not collect under any circumstances.

In addition, this privacy policy outlines the security measures we have taken to protect your information, and who you can contact if you have any questions or complaints about the content of this privacy policy.

Our guiding principle for data collection is to only collect the minimum amount of data required for large-scale operation of world-class services. We have designed our system (and strive to continuously improve it) to exclude sensitive data related to customers. Even under duress, we cannot disclose, abuse, or misuse data that we do not possess. When you connect to our service, we will not collect your online activity logs, including not recording browsing history, traffic destinations, data content, or DNS queries. We also never store connection logs, which means there are no logs of your IP address, outgoing VPN IP address, connection timestamp, or session duration.

This privacy policy must be consistent withLoadx Terms of Service("Terms")read together. They together constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Loadx, so please read carefully. Unless otherwise specified, capitalized terms in this Privacy Policy shall have the same meanings as those assigned to them in the terms and conditions.

The core mission of Loadx is to protect your information privacy. To carry out this task, the headquarters and registered place of business of Loadx are located in Singapore (SG). Luxking Technology Co., Ltd. operates under the jurisdiction of Singapore in accordance with Singaporean law.

general information

Loadx may collect five (5) types of data based on your usage of the service, as shown below. You can find detailed information about each in the specific section below. If you are only visiting our website, please refer to Section 7.

(1) Personal data submitted in association with your account ("Personal Data")

Personal data refers to any information that can be used alone or in combination with other data to uniquely identify an individual. The purpose of collecting personal data is to provide you with our services, including preventing fraudulent registration or account hijacking, which may include the name, email address, and payment information submitted to us when you create or update your account.

(2) Aggregating Application and VPN Connection Summary Statistics ("Usage Statistics")

In order to maintain excellent customer support and service quality, we will collect the minimum amount of usage statistics data. Such data does not include information about users' browsing and Internet activities, including information when connecting to VPN - we do not collect (and therefore do not use, disclose or store) data about VPN traffic, DNS queries, or the content or destination of users' IP addresses.

(3) Add data to Loadx key ("Keys Data") (applicable only to Loadx key users)

Keys data refers to all data stored in the Loadx key associated with your account, which may include user logins and passwords for your services and accounts, as well as other types of data you choose to store. The key data is encrypted at the moment you add it to the Loadx key, and we are unable to view, decrypt, or access the key data under any circumstances (even if you wish for us to do so). You can add, modify, and delete key data at any time by accessing the Loadx Keys dashboard.

(4) Anonymous application diagnostics, including crash reports ("Application Diagnostic Data") (optional)

Application diagnostic data, including crash reports, availability diagnostics, and VPN connection diagnostics, is anonymous and cannot be bound to a single user. This feature is similar to the "Send Error Report" option. By default, application diagnostic data is not shared. You must choose to join, for example, by sending application diagnostic data to us through the application's settings menu.

IP address authorized to use MediaStreamer service ("MediaStreamer data") (applicable only to MediaStreamer users)

In addition to VPN services, we also provide optional MediaStreamer services for devices that do not support VPN, such as Roku. Users who choose to use MediaStreamer can choose to register for a specific IP address that should be authorized to use the service. These IP addresses are only used by Loadx to provide optional MediaStreamer services and are not used for any other purpose.

personal data

Loadx collects personal data you provide by creating or updating accounts. We need personal data, such as email address and payment information, so that we can provide you with our services, send you emails, collect payments and corresponding taxes, prevent fraud, respond to support queries, and share relevant information about your account and/or services.

The specific personal data collected will depend on the payment method you choose, which may include information such as name, accounting country/region, accounting address, and/or credit card number. For certain forms of payment, you may be redirected to external websites operated by third-party payment processing agencies (such as PayPal, BitPay, Binance, or other specific payment processing agencies, depending on your location) to complete the transaction. To understand the personal data collected and stored by these processors, please refer to the corresponding processor's terms and privacy policies. You can also subscribe to our services using payment methods such as Bitcoin that help minimize the amount of personal data you submit to us. In addition, we also collaborate with trusted partners to simplify the login process, detect fraudulent registrations, and prevent account hijacking. These partners can obtain user IP addresses, but these addresses are always stored separately from systems unrelated to these purposes; Never connect to any user's online behavior because no records of such behavior have been collected; And it is always permanently deleted after 30 days.

The reason why Loadx uses your email address is as follows:

  • Used for registering and verifying accounts, ensuring the authenticity and uniqueness of your account.

  • We provide you with access to our services, including password reset or email verification.

  • Send emails related to your payment transaction.

  • Send you updates and announcements.

  • Communicate with you about your account or reply to your communication.

  • Send us marketing messages that we believe you may be interested in, such as quotes, surveys, invitations, and other content related to Loadx ("marketing emails"). You can choose not to receive marketing emails by following the unsubscribe program described in these emails.

Loadx will only use your personal data for the purposes listed in this privacy policy, We will not sell or rent your personal data to third parties.We collect and process your personal data in accordance with applicable laws to obtain legitimate benefits, more specifically, to fulfill our contractual obligations towards you (i.e., according to the agreement between you and Loadx).

Any personal information related to Loadx accounts is solely controlled by Loadx, including those stored on systems, servers, and services owned or leased by Loadx and its subsidiaries. In limited circumstances, this data may need to be processed by other relevant entities, shared only when necessary, and shared within the required time, in order to only handle privacy policies related to the purposes and legitimate interests outlined in this agreement, while always ensuring the same data protection standards. For the avoidance of doubt, these situations do not include any situation where the personal information control of Loadx users will be transferred to any other relevant entity at any time.

How do we protect and retain your personal data

  • Security: We have implemented first-class physical, procedural, and technical security measures for offices and information storage facilities to prevent the loss, abuse, or unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of your personal data. Although we believe these systems are robust, it is important to understand that there is no data security measure in the world that can provide completely reliable protection. Therefore, our guiding principle is to collect the least amount of data.

  • Server and Data Center: The server is located in a data center with strong security practices. These data centers do not require us to collect or store any traffic or personal data related to your use of services. If any data center requires us to record such data, we will immediately cease operations with the aforementioned service providers and seek alternative options. Even if the government actually seizes one of our VPN servers, there will be no logs or information linking any individual users to specific events, websites, or behaviors.

  • Preserve Your Personal Data: Your personal data - once again, does not include any sensitive data such as browsing history, DNS queries, or IP addresses related to that information or any other online behavior - will be retained for a limited period of time in accordance with applicable data protection laws (as long as we obtain your consent or legitimate reasons for holding such data). You can request the deletion of your data by sending a valid deletion request (see Section 11). Please note that if you request the deletion of your personal data, you will no longer be able to use the service.

  • Legal: Your personal data is controlled and stored by the Loadx system. Lukexing Technology Co., Ltd. operates under the jurisdiction of Singapore in accordance with Singaporean law. Therefore, any claims made through legal means regarding personal data (or other types of data) are governed and protected by Singaporean law. If anyone tries to bypass the privacy protection provided by Singapore, we will vigorously defend our rights (as well as the rights of our users).

How do we protect your personal data with service providers

Loadx's agents, contractors, and third-party service providers ("service providers") may have controlled access to relevant data to assist us in processing payments, managing services, and otherwise assisting us in operating our business. All service providers who may access such data have confidentiality and data processing obligations, and shall keep the data confidential and shall not use it for any purpose other than executing services on behalf of Loadx. These obligations include contractual commitments to protect data in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including commitments to transfer personal data from the EU/European Economic Area to third countries.

Service providers can only access the data required for the services they perform on behalf of Loadx, and in any case, this data will not include VPN activity or connection data as we do not collect this data.

In addition to service providers, if you agree to our sharing or transfer of your personal data (such as marketing consent or optional additional services or features), we can also share your personal information.

Keys data

We will only collect and store key data when you choose to use Loadx keys (passwords and security data manager services that can be accessed through your account). The data stored in the Loadx key is protected using zero knowledge encryption. No Loadx employee or service provider can view or retrieve the information stored in your Loadx key (even if you authorize us to do so).

Your key data is your property. You can add, modify, and delete key data by accessing the dashboard of the Loadx key. To protect you, you should create a strong and unique master password for the Loadx key to ensure it is not easily guessed. It should also be different from the password used to access your account.

You can import data from other password management tools into the Loadx key according to the instructions in your account. Prior to this, we strongly recommend that you review the data portability rules of previous password manager providers, as these rules are not controlled by Loadx.

Using statistical data and application diagnostic data

To maintain excellent customer support and service quality, Loadx collects certain information related to your VPN usage, as described below. The data we collect for this purpose is strictly known to our employees as needed and can be shared with service providers for the aforementioned purposes, but always kept confidential.

We ensure that the use of statistical data and application diagnostic data does not include any sensitive information, which aligns with our overall commitment to never record browsing history, traffic destinations, data content, IP addresses, or DNS queries.

Our minimum data collection principle regarding VPN usage statistics means:

  • We don't know which user has visited a specific website or service.

  • We don't know which user connected to the VPN at a specific time, nor do we know which VPN server's IP address they used.

  • We do not know the original IP address set of any given user's computer.

If anyone attempts to force Loadx to publish user information based on any of the above, we will not be able to provide this information as the data does not exist.

Applications and application versions

We collect information related to the application and application version that you have activated in order to use our services. Understanding your current version of the application, our support team can solve any technical issues you may encounter.

Successfully connected

When you use this application, we collect information about whether you successfully established a VPN connection on a specific date (but not at a specific time of the day), to which VPN location (but not the outgoing IP address you specified), and from which country/ISP (but not your source IP address). These minimum levels of information help us provide technical support, such as identifying connection issues, providing country specific recommendations on how to best use our services, and enabling Loadx engineers to identify and resolve network issues.

Total amount of data transmitted (MB)

We collect information about the total amount of data transmitted by a given user. Although we offer unlimited data transmission, if we notice that the traffic pushed by a single user exceeds the sum of thousands of other users, thereby affecting the quality of service for other Loadx users, we may contact that user for explanation.

Summary of usage statistics data

总之In summary, we collect minimum usage statistics to maintain our service quality. For example, we may know that our client John connected to our VPN location in New York on Tuesday and transferred a total of 823 MB of data within 24 hours. John cannot be solely held responsible for any specific online behavior, as his usage patterns overlap with thousands of other Loadx customers who also connect to the same location on the same day.

We have designed a system to completely eliminate the storage of sensitive data. We may know that users are using Loadx, but we cannot identify them and never know how they are using our services. We adhere to a firm commitment to user privacy and do not possess any data related to user online activities.

Application diagnostic data

Under your chosen joining license, we collect anonymous application diagnostic data, including crash reports, availability diagnostics, and VPN connection diagnostics. We use this data in our network operation tools to help optimize network speed, and let us identify problems and improvement areas related to specific applications, VPN servers, or Internet service providers (ISPs). The diagnostic data we receive from this application is completely anonymous and cannot be bound to a single user(i.e., we do not store which user sent which data, nor do we store the user's IP address).

If you chooseto share this information with Loadx (in the settings menu of your account), we will collect the following anonymous application diagnostic data:

  • Diagnostic information on whether VPN connection attempts have failed and how they have failed.

  • Speed test data.

  • pplication diagnosis, including crash reports and availability diagnosis, without any personally identifiable information. After activating any of our applications, the system will ask if you are willing to share application diagnostic data with Loadx. You can start or stop sharing this data at any time in the settings menu of the application. On iOS, Apple's crash report can be turned off in iOS settings

Media streaming data

MediaStreamer is a service we provide for consoles and other devices that do not support running VPN, such as Roku. Since the service does not run on the application and does not have a username/password authorization option, we rely on a system to authorize you to choose a specific IP address to register with us. You can register an IP address by logging into our website and using the "DNS Settings" page. These IP addresses (MediaStreamer data) are then stored in our system to identify the authorized devices of MediaStreamer and are not used for any other purposes.

If you do not want to use our MediaStreamer service, but your device cannot run VPN, we recommend using the Loadx application for your router. Like all services outside of MediaStreamer, router applications do not need to register an IP address. Please contact us via emailforchen2023@gmail.comWe will guide you through these steps.

How do we protect and retain information related to emails, real-time chats, and feedback forms

Loadx will record any letters, questions, complaints or compliments you submit to us through our website or service, as well as our responses. Based on the way you contacted Loadx, we may collect your email address and any other information you provide us. Having a complete communication record enables our employees to provide the best possible customer support experience.

We use two different third-party platforms for support communication: Zendesk for email and support tickets, and TeamSupport for real-time chat. When you use these platforms to communicate with us, they will store your communication records, including your email address, as well as user and device attributes that aid in troubleshooting, such as the operating system of the country and device you are contacting us with. Both platforms utilize modern security practices and SSL encryption.

Cookies and third-party analysis

For user experience and analysis purposes, Loadx uses various analysis services, including those from third-party service providers. These services may use cookies, mobile identifiers, and other data to generate reports and statistical data, but they cannot access directly identifiable personal information or any personal data provided by users to Loadx.

Cookies and other similar technologies are small text files ("Cookies") used to store information about your access to this website on your computer or mobile device. Cookies allow websites to "remember" your behavior or preferences over time, allowing us to optimize and improve the user experience of the website by helping us provide certain features such as website login and language settings. As we continuously update and improve our website, the cookies we use may change over time.

Disable Cookies

When you first visit this website, we will invite you to set cookie preferences. You can also change these preferences at any time by selecting Cookie Preferences from the menu at the bottom of most pages on the website. Alternatively, you can change cookie preferences from the browser's settings panel. Please note that if you choose to disable cookies, our website may not function properly.

Cookies for Loadx

The cookies set by Loadx allow us to set your language preferences, attribute visitors to marketing channels, and securely display information specific to your account after you log in. Cookies contain user identifiers, but do not have direct personally identifiable information such as your name or email address, and do not track any activities outside the Loadx domain.

Third party Cookies

Loadx uses cookies from third-party services for basic, functional, and marketing purposes.

The cookies required for the normal operation and optimization of a website are called basic cookies. For example, we use PayPal to allow users to make payments through the service. Other basic cookies currently in use include cookies that allow payment through Forter, Braintree, and Chargebee; Tools that enable us to analyze and improve page performance, including Google Analytics, Google Optimize, Visual Website Optimizer, and Google Tag Manager; The platforms that allow us to manage traffic, deliver content, and combat malicious bots, including Cloudflare, Cloudfront, and Gstatic; And a user center consent management platform that allows you to specify cookie preferences. Basic cookies cannot be disabled. By using this website, you agree to use these cookies.

Cookies that enable us to correctly display or manage elements on a website are called functional cookies. For example, we use Google Font to display text correctly. Other functional cookies currently in use include cookies for displaying videos, including YouTube videos and Vzaar; Companies that produce maps, including OpenStreetMap and Google Maps; Used for managing cookies, including Google Ajax and jQuery; A sentinel for tracking and reporting errors; A display for the avatar Gravatar; And a Typeform for providing tests and questionnaires. Cookies can be disabled for functionality.

Cookies used by advertisers to provide advertisements related to your interests are called marketing cookies. For example, we use Google Advertising Remarketing to display ads on third-party websites (including Google) to users who have visited our website. We may display advertisements to such users on Google search results pages or on websites within the Google Display network. Other marketing cookies currently in use include DoubleClick Ad, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Social Plugins, Google AdServices, Google Syndication, Microsoft Advertising Remarketing, and PayPal Marketing Solutions. Marketing cookies can be disabled.

Service providers, including Google, use cookies to provide advertisements based on someone's past visits to this website. Any data collected will be in accordance with our privacy policy and Google's privacy policy. In addition to setting cookie preferences through the browser or the menu at the bottom of our website, users can also choose to exit Google's use of cookies by accessing the Google ad exit page. Users can choose to exit Google Analytics by accessing the exit page.

Device information

Loadx uses device information (including device type, operating system/language or user agent, as well as mobile identifiers provided by Android or iOS devices) to generate statistical data related to marketing channels and advertising partners, through which users can learn and register for Loadx applications. This device information does not include your name, email address, or other personal data.

Disable or reset mobile identifiers

Users can disable or reset the mobile identifiers associated with their devices at any time. For instructions, please refer to: Apple's Advertising and Privacy Pages on iOS Devices and Google's page on managing Google settings on Android devices

Email/Communication Analysis

In order to evaluate and improve the emails and other communications we send, Loadx or its service providers may collect data for statistical reporting. For example, we may generate a report evaluating whether the email was successfully sent, whether there were any delivery delays, or the number of times the email was opened.

Interaction with third-party products

This website may contain links to external websites, mobile software applications, products or services that are not owned or controlled by Loadx, and may be subject to specific terms and conditions. Please note that such third parties may collect personal information from you. Loadx is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such external websites. We encourage you to read the terms and conditions, as well as privacy policies, of every third-party service provider related to this website or service.

EU users

Loadx is committed to protecting user privacy globally, and our existing practices reflect this by minimizing data collection and ensuring that users have control over their personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union requires us to outline these practices in a specific way for EU users.

According to the General Data Protection Regulations, we collect and process personal data outlined in this privacy policy under one of the following circumstances:

  • In order to fulfill our contractual obligations, including:

    • Provide subscribers with the services they require.。

    • Manage subscriptions and process payments related to our services.

    • Provide customer support.

  • For the legitimate interests related to our business operations, including:

    • Improve the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of our services.

    • Communicate with customers, provide information related to our services, and seek feedback.

    • Which users can log out at any time with their consent.

Your privacy rights

  • right:When using our services, you have the following rights (subject to certain exceptions or exemptions).

  • You have the right to access your personal information.

  • You have the right to request us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data we hold.

  • You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. Please note that such deletion may result in us no longer being able to provide you with our services.

  • You have the right to request restrictions or opposition to the processing of your personal data.

  • You have the right to request and receive your personal data in a commonly used format (data portability).

  • You have the right to withdraw the consent form on which your processing was based at any time.

  • You have the right to file a complaint with the local data protection regulatory agency.

  • You can exercise the above rights by contacting us.

  • You can have a third party act as an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf. To confirm that the authorized agent has the authority to submit requests on your behalf, they must have a written authorization signed by you, and you must provide us with a copy of the signed authorization. To ensure your privacy and security, we may take further measures to verify your identity.

  • We will handle any requests in a timely manner in accordance with applicable laws and to the best of our ability.

Children's use

We do not provide services for children's use, therefore, we will not intentionally collect personal data from individuals under the age of eighteen (18) or adults within the residential/jurisdictional area where the services are used. If you are under the age of eighteen (18) or under the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or use services, do not provide us with any personal data without the involvement of your parents or legal guardians. As for GDPR, we do not intend to directly provide information society services to children. If we become aware that the personal data you provide violates applicable privacy laws, we reserve the right to delete that data. If you believe that we may have any such information, please contact us in accordance with the provisions of Article 16.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change our privacy policy from time to time in accordance with applicable privacy laws and principles, whether or not we notify you. By continuing to use the service and/or accessing this website, you accept our privacy policy.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our privacy policy, our compliance with applicable laws, how we process your information, or if you wish to exercise your privacy rights, please feel free to contact us at the following email address:
